A Final Project on “Smart Waste Management System Based On A IoT Platform” was submitted by Nikhil S Ambigar (from the Indian Institute of Information Technology,(IIIT) Dharwad, India) to extrudesign.com. Abstract Many metropolitan cities produce tons of waste every day, so efficient methods for collection and disposal are crucial. To make people’s lives happier, safer, and […]
IoT Based Firefighting System To Protecting Farm
A final year project on “IoT Based Firefighting System To Protecting Farm” was submitted by Aditi Kulkarni (from ATS SBGI, Miraj) to extrudesign.com. Abstract Agriculture assumes an essential part in the economy of non-industrial nations, and gives the primary wellspring of food, pay and work to their provincial populations. Farmers hold the foundation of the […]
Remote Patient Monitoring System Through IOT Using Mobile Application
A final year project on “Remote Patient Monitoring System Through IOT Using Mobile Application” submitted by Matta Jagadish to extrudesign.com. This project was completed by 1Matta Jagadish, 2Shaik Mohammad Fahanus, 3T. Sunil Kumar (Electronics and Communication Engineering) from Hindustan institute of technology and science, Padur, Tamilnadu, India. ABSTRACT Health-related issues and parameters are of utmost […]