As we have already discussed the Battery ignition system. This Magneto Ignition system is also having the same working principle but except the way how the high voltage is produced is different in this type of the Ignition system. Let’s discuss it in more detail.

Magneto ignitions system is a special type of ignition system. It is having its own electrical generator as the energy resource to provide the necessary amount of energy for the system.
Following is the schematic representation of the Magneto Ignition_System

As we have already discussed the battery Ignition system and the components present in it, but In the Magneto Ignition system all the components will be replaced except the spark plug.
Since this Magneto Ignition System has the magnet rotated by the engine is capable of producing enough high voltage for the spark plug instead of the battery energy source.
As you can see the above schematic representation of the Magneto Ignition system a magneto has arranged the winding to generate the high voltage to deliver to the spark plug.
The rest of the working principle is the same as the Battery coil ignition system.
There are three different possible magneto Ignitions systems available. First one is which rotating armature type, the second one is rotating magnet type, the third one is that both the armature and the magnet will be constant and the voltage is generated by reversing the flux field with the help of the soft iron polar projections called inductors. so this third one is called the polar inductor type.
This is all about the Ignition system and the different types available in it.
We have discussed the Magneto Ignition systems with the schematic representations and the operations. If you have any further thoughts on this topic, let us know in the comment section below.
Read the full article about Ignition systems here!
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