A final year project on “Smart Doorbell System Using Raspberry Pi” was submitted by Sudharsanan K (from Manakula Vinayagar Institute Of Technology, Puducherry, INDIA) to extrudesign.com.

In this digital era, of course in pandemic Situations, many of them are stick to work from Home and students are attending online classes With the digital gadget, even when doing some, Work in our home, like watching movies in-room playing games and hearing music using a headset, device. So we are proposing the smart doorbell system. A smart doorbell system is an internet-to the user when a visitor rings together with other suitable hardware to accomplish the doorbell. The RPI Raspberry pi computer was chosen for the development desired Function of the smart doorbell system.
Keywords: Raspberry pi, Door phone intercom, 720p USB camera, l293d motor driver module, calling bell and switch, Flutter (for the android app), apache2(server), MariaDB (Database).
The history of the intercom system is started a long time ago, already hundred years ago people want to notice the guests arrive at their house. it all started when the doorbell and electricity are introduced. In the middle of the twentieth century, the doorbell system introduced a button, transformer and wiring which allows us to place the bell to a remote location. in World War 2 the doorbell system is accelerated. New functions were added and even became wireless. The most
important thing is to allow the guest communication without going there. It began with utilizing the analogue communication system. Then the development went fast forward and nowadays we call the new system door phones instead of doorbells.
Proposed System
To develop the prototype for smart doorbell system with the use of raspberry pi3 model B, Firebasecloud(for storage), Mobile application. when the visitor rings the doorbell. the Raspberry pi which connects with the camera. It captures the image of the visitor. it will send the notification to the user. During Nighttime not able to capture images of visitors clearly. So will using the IR LED light to help to capture the image clearly. And then the user will accept the notification the door will be unlocked with the control of a smartphone or any other smart device. The door will be unlocked with the use of an electric motor. Even the user is not at home. it will send the notification and image to the user. And the user will check the history of visitor details will using the firebase web page or mobile application in it.
Problem Statement
It is a smart doorbell system using raspberry pi model b. It process of Capture the visitor image And then send the image to the User
.the user will accept the door will unlock. the user will decline the notification of the door in the lock stage. And the image will also store in the cloud. The user will retrieve any time anywhere in the cloud. It is the main process of the problem statement of the smart doorbell system.
Architecture of Smart Doorbell System
Security has always been an important issue in the home or office. A remote home security system offers many more benefits apart from keeping homeowners, and their property, safe from intruders. The System is composed of the doorbell interfaced with raspberry pi, whoever presses the doorbell, the camera gets triggered and captures their face and it’s stored in a database. Then stores photograph will send to the owner’s android mobile, if it is an authorized person then the owner will unlock the door using their android app from anywhere in the world. It sends with their photograph of the intruder to server mail Raspberry pi is a key processor for a smart doorbell system. And When the camera is in low light condition LED light capture the image clearly. Raspberry pi server will show live data and stores post data image with timestamp %Y%M%D-
%H&M%S, Y-Year, M-Month, D- Day, H- Hour, M-Minute, S-Seconds. So we can easily monitor post records at any time. The relay Module will be controlling the Power supply. And finally, will also connect to the normal calling bell.

Raspberry PI 3:
It is a minicomputer and has many additional interfaces it is powerful enough to run a sip client application. the device itself has low power consumption.

Micro SD card:
In 2 or 4GB sd card is sufficient. operation system is installed there.
720P USB Camera:
A camera module developed for rpi3 is used with good integration into RPI 3 OS.the camera has low light conditions when an IR light is turned on.
These bidirectionali\o pins can control led lights. we use GPIO pins for reading button press, turning on led and control a relay.
IR LED Light:
A small board with 10ir diodes is used to luminescence during low light conditions. the 850 nm diodes have forward voltage. an NPN transistor was added to control the diodes.
5V Relay Module
The module relays (srd-05vdc-sl-c)are both able to switch up to 10a. we use a 2channel relay module all required electronic needed.
L293D Motor Drive Module:
The L293D is a 16-pin Motor Driver IC that can control a set of two DC motors simultaneously in any direction.
Calling Bell Switch:
The calling bell(Doorbell) works as per Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
Raspberry PI OS :
Raspberry Pi OS is the recommended operating system for normal use on a Raspberry Pi. And is a free operating system is optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware.https://www.raspberrypi.org/softw are/operating-systems/ Using this link to download the RPI os. it will very user friendly to access it.
The Flutter software using developed for the android app. The Flutter is working for both Android and iOS.
Apache (Server):
Apache is the most commonly used Web server on Linux systems. Web servers are used to serve Web pages requested by client computers. Clients typically request and view Web pages using Web browser applications such as Firefox, Opera, Chromium, or Internet Explorer.
It is an Open Source VOIP phone library. And the group of standing libraries create also in SIPclient for android. when using a Linphone library optimized for use with RPI.in the process of an inner process.UsingVP8 brings also some trouble because it is not supported by all SIP client-server.
Photo (Camera Module):
RPI using the NoIR camera module to pick up the photo of home visits and will also send the picture to the cloud. And the using IR LED light to capture the image clearly in the camera module process. IR LED light is turned on automatically when the camera and surroundings are in low light condition.
MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system (DBMS) that is a compatible drop-in replacement for the widely used MySQL database technology.
Relay Control:
It will control the relay with GPIOutput. And then the pin in LOW the relay it will ON. When the Pin is HIGH the relay is OFF.
Doorphoe Function
Bell Notification Sound:
The door phone notifies you guest arrival after a button is pressed.
Anti Vandal Design:
The station might be exposed to public areas. The outlet should be made vandal resistant.
Top store history of past visitors with the format of timestamp.
A smart doorbell system using raspberry pi 3 is successfully implemented. Raspberry pi3 using to easily connect to the l293d motor and all hardware, software components. The raspberry pi3 is easily controlled by the android application. Moreworkswouldhavetobedonebeforemass production, like tying different platforms which might be more efficient, cheaper or suitable.
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- Mosai Industries, Inc. GPIO ElectricalSpecificationMosaicDocumentatio n Web. [Online]Mosaic industries,Inc.[Cited:Sept.1,2019.] http://www.mosaicindustries.com/embedde d-systems/microcontrolleprojects/raspberry- pi/gpio-pin-electrical-specifications
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- K. Sehgal and R. Singh, “IoT Based Smart Wireless Home Security Systems,” 2019 3rd International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA), Coimbatore, India, 2019, pp. 323-326, DOI: 10.1109/ICECA.2019.8821885
Credit: This Project “Smart Doorbell System Using Raspberry Pi (RPI)” was completed by C.Suresh, K.Sudharsanan and P.Parthiban from the Manakula Vinayagar Institute Of Technology, Manakula Vinayagar Institute Of Technology-Puducherry, INDIA.
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