This Article on “Future Robots” by Boston Dynamics is Written by me (Sundar Dannana), during my academics (IIIrd B.Tech-2015) out of interest in robotics, I am graduated from VITAM College of Engineering, Vishakapatnam. All the material source is taken from any mistake or misleading of information in this article is not our intention. Please contact me @
Abstract— on this Earth’s landmass there existing wheeled and tracked vehicles. But people and animals using their legs can go almost anywhere. The main aim of Boston Dynamics is to develop rough terrain robots by capturing mobility autonomy and simulation of living creatures. Such robots can travel like living creatures in stepped stairways household clutters limit the utility of wheeled vehicles.
Introduction: Boston dynamics is an Engineering and robotic design company that is best known for the development of terrain robots designed for the U.S military with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA). The company producing Big Dog, RHex, Atlas, Sand flea, Cheetah, Little Dog, Rise, LS3, Pet Man
Spot (Big Dog): Big Dog, a.k.a Spot is a quadruped robot created in 2005. Which can run at 3 mph, climbs slopes up to 35 degrees, walks across rubble, climbs muddy hiking trails, walks in snow and water, carries a 340 lb load.

RHex: RHex is a six-legged robot with high mobility, powerful, independently controlled legs that produce specialized gaits that devour rough terrain with minimal operator input. It can climb in rock fields, mud, sand, vegetation, railroads tracks. It is controlled remotely from an operator control unit at distances up to 700 meters.

Cheetah: It is the fastest legged robot in the world, surpassing 29 mph, a new land speed record for legged robots.

Atlas: It is an Agile Anthropomorphic Robot. it is a high mobility humanoid robot designed to negotiate outdoor rough terrain.

Sand flea: It is an 11-pound robot that drives like an RC car on flat terrain, but can jump 30 ft into the air to overcome obstacles. It uses gyro stabilization to stay level during flight, to provide a clear view from the onboard camera, and to ensure a smooth landing. It can jump about 25 times on one charge.

Rise: Rise is a robot that climbs vertical terrain such as walls, trees and fences. It uses feet with micro-claws to climb on a textured surface. Rise is 0.25 m long, weight 2kg, and travels 0.3 m/s.

LS3: Legged Squad Support System (LS3), is a militarized version of Spot. It is ruggedized for military use, with the ability to operate in hot, cold, wet, and dirty environments.

Little Dog: Little Dog is a quadruped robot. it is intended as a testbed for other institutions.

Conclusion: These developments in robotics just changing our idea of what robots can do. And yes the future is a bit scary. Don’t you think? Leave it in the comments.
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